

Friday, January 17, 2025

My Friday Five...

1. Therapy. I'm glad that I started going again, because it really does help. And, right now, I really need it.

2. Books. Reading is something I've loved since I was a kid, so to be craving books again is the best feeling. 

3. Gingerbread cookies are my jam right now. I am LOVING the Little Debbie Valentine's ones. 

4. Cooler temperatures. Waking up to 50 degree weather is the BEST. Makes me feel like we are actually having winter here in South FL and I LOVING it!

5. Journals. I am scribbling like mad in my books and really enjoying it. I'm using new journals and old ones that I never finished. I feel like I'm in a journaling groove. And, I'm keeping it simple - just pen and paper. Occasionally I'll add a sticker, but it's mainly my writing going into these books and that is making me so happy. 

Wishing you all a lovely weekend. Happy reading!

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Three Things...

1. I'm finally reading again - hurrah! It feels great to be excited about books and actually reading them. I have missed it so much, so to be back at it feels like pure joy. So far I've read two books and I've already started my third. Woo hoo!

2. The decluttering journey continues. I got stuck for a bit, but I've started to make progress again and it feels so good. Seeing clutter going out the door and clear spaces opening up - love it!

3. My planners are a mess. I got too caught up in the whole planner game of needing twenty (not really twenty, but more than three) for every little thing. It's pure craziness! So, now I have a pile of planners I need to go through and sort out. Ack!

Wishing you all a lovely Thursday! Happy reading!

p.s. The book I'm reading is:

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

TBR Tuesday

This lovely should be arriving today and I can't wait to dive right in. Another book for JLC18 - Hurrah!

Monday, January 13, 2025

Monday Musings...

Woke up from a nightmare, so that didn't seem to bode well for the day. LOL! However, I'm not letting it bother me and instead focusing on the fact that I have therapy today. So, my fingers are crossed for a good session. Lately, I've been feeling down, so hopefully talking it out will help.

I'm still reading 

and I am LOVING it. I haven't been up to reading lately, so I picked this one for the JLC18 hoping it would spur me on to read, read, read. And yet, it took me ages to actually start reading it. Thankfully, once I started I got stuck in and I am really enjoying it. I've got a little bit left and I can't wait to see how it will end. Of course I'm now also wondering which book to read next...hmm...

And now, I'm off to declutter a bit before I head out. Wishing you all a lovely week! Happy reading!