

Friday, January 3, 2025

My Friday Five

1.  Mental health. Depression and anxiety overwhelmed me the last few months of last year, which is why I barely posted. I felt really disconnected for awhile and didn't enjoy the holiday season like I usually do. Fortunately, towards the end of December my mood shifted and I was able to have a bit of fun - time with family, chatting with old friends, baking sweet treats, wrapping gifts, and admiring the Christmas tree. The fog lifted and I could delight in the holiday merriment. And now, I'm feeling better. It's a new year and my frame of mind is set to tackle all the things I didn't get to last year, along with a host of new things for this new year. 

2. Declutter. Yeah, every time I mentioned decluttering I really did try to declutter. Except, mentally, I just couldn't. I would see the piles of things getting ready to topple over and felt overwhelmed. So, I would just avoid it. My mind couldn't handle dealing with any of it. Fortunately, I am in a better place mentally and I have actually started to declutter. Like, I've already filled three bags with journals and journal covers. Yeah, that's how many I had. And, I'm not even done yet. Yikes! 

3. Overspending. So, when I get depressed I tend to make purchases of things that I believe will get me out of my funk. Of course these things don't help. How could they? I have to help myself get out of the rut, not a notebook or fancy fountain pen. Seeing all the things I bought while depressed just makes me sad and I am getting rid of it all. I have to. I also have to be more mindful of my sending. I don't have the funds and I don't have the space, so no more!

4.  Books. I need to pick a book and just tuck right in. Which one to pick? Hmm...

5. Planners. Why, oh why, did I think I needed ten planners? Where did I get the idea that every little thing had to have a separate planner? Too much YouTube planning videos? I'm in the middle of trying to figure out how many planners I actually use/need. I'm thinking 4, but in reality 2 should work. I could consolidate my general, gratitude, book blogging into 1 planner and use the 2nd planner for finances (that one has to be separate) - what do you think? How many planners do you use? Or do you not use a planner? Yikes!

And now, I'm off to tackle some more decluttering. Wish me luck! 


Lark@LarkWrites said...

I do wish you luck with the decluttering and with figuring out your planners. I have to keep mine super simple or I end up not using them...mostly I have a budget/financial planner which is like six pages in a notebooks where I track my spending, etc., and a desk calendar where I track all my dinners, appointments, birthdays, etc. and this year I bought a bullet journal I'm going to try and see how I like. Otherwise, it's Post-It notes for me! ;D And I'm glad you're feeling more positive and less anxious and depressed. I hope that continues this year for you!!!

Nadia said...

Lark, thanks so much for being such a great friend - I really appreciate it! I love how you keep it simple when it comes to planning - that is how I used to be and then I fell into the whole YouTube planner video world and fell down that rabbit hole. But now, I want simple, in fact I crave simple. So, I am going to go for simple this year. Wishing you a lovely week ahead! :)

Ti said...

Over the break I did get rid of some stuff on the garage but not nearly enough. The wind picked up which made it so drafty in there so I skipped it. I will get to it though. I have to because Emma is coming back for a bit after graduation and there is no place to put all her stuff.