I couldn't resist a Murakami challenge, now could I? Considering that I'm joining in at the Hajime level (means I only have to read one book - although I'm pretty sure I'll read more than one), I'm positive this challenge will not stress me out.
Austen! I've been wanting to read more Austen, especially since I own all of her books and they are getting rather dusty. And what a great way to start, with Sense and Sensibility. Plus, I'll be joining at the neophyte level (which means I only need to read 1-4 books), so that will make for an easy going experience with this challenge.
And this final one is more of a read-along, than a challenge. Wallace over at Unputdownables will be hosting this shared read of Villete and I figured I'd join in. I've aways wanted to read more of the Bronte sisters' works, and well this might just help me to do that (especially since I own all of their works, too).
Anyhow, that is it for now. Just a few reading challenges to inspire me to pick up some of the books I already have sitting on my shelves. Nothing too taxing and all requiring me to read some pretty terrific authors. I suppose I better get started.
Happy reading!!
Thanks for informing me of more great reading opportunities! I'll be seeing you for the Murakami challenge, of course, but I'm seriously considering Villette...off to see what that's about.
Looking forward to reading with you! I'm also doing the Sense and Sensibility challenge... it's going to be a good reading year. :)
I've got to go see if I own "Villette!" If I do, then I'm going to have to join this readalong. I really enjoy doing these and getting to talk to others as we're all reading the same thing.
Bellezza, glad to provide the info. And I figured you'd be doing the Murakami one :) Hope you join in on Villete.
Wallace, me too! Should be a fun time :) And that's great you are doing the S&S one, too. 2011 is definitely shaping up to be a great reading year!
Lisa, that is great - I hope you have a copy :) And that is why I enjoy these shared reads, too - its always more fun when you can chat about these books with other bookworms.
Good luck with Villette! Sadly I was never able to make it through that one, despite loving Jane Eyre.
Amanda, thanks! I'm probably going to need the luck :)
I think I might be joining the Villette Readalong...nervous me... :-|
Thanks for joining the challenge Nadia. I look forward to reading your reviews.
Laurel Ann
So glad you told me/us about Villette; I'm loving it!
Have you posted any thoughts on this week's Villette session yet? You're first on the list so I thought I'd pop over and look at your lovely blog.
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