Talk about two vastly different authors and writing styles. The King book consists of four novellas and I'm currently in the midst of one titled, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. And let me just say that I am hooked. This story is unputdownable, but I'm making it putdownable as I don't want finish it just yet. I am so engrossed in Red's story of life at Shawshank and of his friend, Andy. I must admit that as I read this story I can't help but imagine Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman as the characters - heck, I even want to watch the film version again when I'm done with the story. Stephen King has really outdone himself with this short - makes me realize how much more I prefer his non-horror stories.
As for the Vonnegut, it is terrific! KV is my all-time favorite writer, so in my completely biased opinion - he can do no wrong when it comes to his writing. Look At The Birdie is a collection of unpublished short stories. They are quirky, funny, and filled with his dark humor. I am loving them all! Right now I'm in the middle of one where the characters are falsely accused of murder in a corrupt town where they have no chance of beating the rap. Its pretty intense and I'm on the edge of my seat reading it (which I love!). Plus, I am really enjoying looking at Vonnegut's drawings interspersed throughout the book - they are fantastic!

Of course, the new Murakami comes out today, so these books will be put on hold. I'm just waiting for my book to arrive and then I'm settling in to read my new favorite book - Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage. I can't wait!! Happy Reading!!
Speaking of short stories - did you every read Stephen Kings, Full Dark, No Stars? In cleaning off my bookshelves last week, I pulled that one off and debated getting rid of it. I STILL haven't read a book by King, and on a whim, I bought that one in hardback one time, thinking it was the push I needed. I didn't realize it's made up of several short stories and it does sound good. Do you recommend?
I started the Murakami last night when the library surprised me by sending the eBook to me at 9pm! I have read about 5% and so far, it's not the Murakami I know. We shall see.
Thanks for the push for short stories/novellas. I am burning myself out on hard, long books and I need something different. I have some novellas on my shelf. I think it's time to dig in.
I too don't like horror. I read 11/22/63 and loved it. This isn't horror? I just might try it. There's a reason King is one of the all time great writers.
Brandie, I did read that book and it was good! I really enjoyed it and was creeped out by it at the same time. Definitely give it a read :)
Ti, I'm jealous :) I've heard that about the book, so I'm excited to read it now.
Heidi, definitely check out some shorts - they are the best when you want something quick to read. I like horror, but sometimes it can be too much. This first short in the book is not horror and I loved it. I think some of the other stories in the book are though. And, yeah that is why he's one of the best authors :)
I've been wanting to read Different Seasons every since seeing Shawshank Redemption but at that time I was also so burned out on King. Time to rethink that.
Lisa, check it out! Its such a great read - you will love it!
You have me intrigued. It always catches my attention when someone is that engrossed in a novel. I will also be checking out Bergdorf Blondes, I missed that when it first came out.
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