

Thursday, September 12, 2024

How To Hide In Plain Sight by Emma Noyes

(Thank you to the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book!)

about book:

On the day she arrives in Canada for her older brother's wedding, Eliot Beck hasn't seen her family in three years. Eliot adores her big, wacky, dysfunctional collection of siblings and in-laws, but there's a reason she fled to Manhattan and buried herself in her work—and she’s not ready to share it with anyone. Not when speaking it aloud could send her back into the never-ending cycle of the obsessive-compulsive disorder that consumed her for years. 


Eliot thinks she's prepared to survive the four-day-long wedding extravaganza—until she sees her best friend, Manuel, waiting for her at the marina and looking as handsome as ever. He was the person who, when they met as children, felt like finding the missing half of her soul. The person she tried so hard not to fall in love with… but did anyway. 


Manuel's presence at the wedding threatens to undo the walls Eliot has built around herself. The fortress that keeps her okay. If she isn't careful, by the end of this wedding, the whole castle might come crumbling down.

my thoughts:

Wow. What a beautiful story. How To Hide In Plain Sight by Emma Noyes is fantastic! It covers mental health, family drama, loss, and so much more. And, it does it extremely well. I mean it. I was hooked right from the start and would not put this book down for anything - it was too damn good!

Eliot has OCD and it plays a huge part of the story. She hasn't seen her family or best friend in three years. She's come back home for her older brother's wedding, convinced that she can handle a few days with everyone. Except...seeing everyone is leading to a lot of feelings, secrets, past traumas, etc. And, well, Eliot is having trouble dealing with it all. So, maybe going back home isn't always the answer, or is it?And, that is all I will share about this terrific story. It is just too good - you have to read it for yourself! 

Noyes has written a smart and engaging story that honestly depicts mental health, which is refreshing and eye-opening. She makes you consider every aspect of how mental health affects everyone involved and the ways in which it can truly impact so many lives. She also writes about family dynamics, loss, and love in an honest and open way that is truly captivating. And her characters are superb - the kind you will never forget. Plainly put, How To Hide In Plain Sight is definite must-read! Make sure to grab a copy ASAP!

Thank you to the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book!


Lark@LarkWrites said...

This does sound like a must read. I've never read any books by Emma Noyes. But since you like this one so much, I'm pretty sure I will, too. :D

Nadia said...

Lark, it really is. This was my first by her and I really enjoyed it. I think you will, too :)