

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Cold Snap by Lindy Ryan

(Thank you to Titan Books for providing me with a copy of this book!)

Hmm...not sure what to make of this one.  Cold Snap by Lindy Ryan is a novella that explores grief. I know that doesn't really provide any information, but I honestly can't say what happened, because I'm still not sure what happened. So, here goes...

It's nearly Christmas and Christine has packed up a few bags and taken her son to a cabin in the woods for the  holiday. Her husband had planned and booked this trip months ago. Except, her husband is dead. He died falling from the roof when he was putting up Christmas lights on the house. She was right there when it happened and she can't stop unseeing it. So, yeah, things are definitely hard at the moment and for some reason she thinks leaving the house behind for a bit will help. Maybe. The only thing is that her son isn't talking to her and the cabin is a dump. Oh, and she keeps hearing her husband's voice calling to her. Yeah, the holiday trip quickly turns into a holiday nightmare, and that is all I can really share. Mainly, because I'm not exactly sure what happened in the story. I know that she forgot to pack food. I know that she lies about the cabin having wi-fi to her son. I know that their cat gets killed. I know that a moose shows up. And, I know that she is hearing her husband's voice. That's all I know. The story ends and I don't really understand what happened to Christine or her son, or the moose. 

Suffice it to say, I was immersed in the story from the beginning and I was intrigued to try and figure out what was going on, but in the end, I was left with a lot of questions. So, I'm not sure what I would rate this one. Hmm...Cold Snap is definitely more mystery than horror.

Thank you to Titan Books for providing me with a copy of this book!

1 comment:

Lark@LarkWrites said...

I don't like weird endings like that. I want to know what happened to the characters when I reach the end of a book! ;D