

Monday, March 24, 2025

Monday Musings...

I feel like it's been age since I last posted. My mental health was not so great, so I took a break from blogging and posting on my IG - it was necessary. Especially, last week when we had brushfires that were getting closer and closer to our home. Talk about scary times. I thought hurricanes were stressful, but these fires were more stressful. Especially smelling the smoke and having ash rain down on us - freaked me out. 

So yeah, it's been a weird month. A highlight was winning a contest that I had forgotten I'd entered. It was for Murakami spaghetti. LOL! I received four of his books in paperback, along with a box of pasta that has his face on it. Definitely made my month. 

As for my reading, well, that took a break when I wasn't feeling that great. Fortunately, it's back on track. I just finished:

Such a great story! I gobbled it up and LOVED every second I spent with it. OMG! 

And now, I'm about to start:

Alright, I'm off to tackle my to-do list. Wishing you all a lovely week! Happy reading! 

1 comment:

Lark@LarkWrites said...

Wildfires close to your home would be super scary. I'm glad you're all right. Are the fires still burning? And yay for winning free books and pasta! That's fun. :D