

Friday, April 27, 2018

My Oxford Year: A Novel by Julia Whelan

(Thank you to the publisher and TLC Book Tours for providing me with a copy of this book!)
about book:

Set amidst the breathtaking beauty of Oxford, this sparkling debut novel tells the unforgettable story about a determined young woman eager to make her mark in the world and the handsome man who introduces her to an incredible love that will irrevocably alter her future—perfect for fans of JoJo Moyes and Nicholas Sparks.

American Ella Durran has had the same plan for her life since she was thirteen: Study at Oxford. At 24, she’s finally made it to England on a Rhodes Scholarship when she’s offered an unbelievable position in a rising political star’s presidential campaign. With the promise that she’ll work remotely and return to DC at the end of her Oxford year, she’s free to enjoy her Once in a Lifetime Experience. That is, until a smart-mouthed local who is too quick with his tongue and his car ruins her shirt and her first day.

When Ella discovers that her English literature course will be taught by none other than that same local, Jamie Davenport, she thinks for the first time that Oxford might not be all she’s envisioned. But a late-night drink reveals a connection she wasn’t anticipating finding and what begins as a casual fling soon develops into something much more when Ella learns Jamie has a life-changing secret.

Immediately, Ella is faced with a seemingly impossible decision: turn her back on the man she’s falling in love with to follow her political dreams or be there for him during a trial neither are truly prepared for. As the end of her year in Oxford rapidly approaches, Ella must decide if the dreams she’s always wanted are the same ones she’s now yearning for.

my thoughts:

A light, engaging romance novel about falling in love and following your heart.  I absolutely LOVED My Oxford Year by Julia Whelan.

Ella has always wanted to study at Oxford.  So, when her dream comes true thanks to a Rhodes Scholarship, she's on her way to making her dream a reality.  Plus, she gets offered a job working for a politician who is determined to be the next President.  Talk about achieving one's dreams!  Ella is beyond excited and can't wait to start her new adventure.  Unfortunately, on Ella's first day in England she encounters a man in a shop and winds up having words with him - talk about bad first impressions.  Things only get worse when she finds out that the same man will be teaching her English Lit course at Oxford - what a nightmare! Especially, as the two seem to disagree on everything, thus making their relationship a bit testy.  Of course, this being a romance novel means that their relationship takes a turn for the better.  They develop a deep friendship that truly makes their relationship sweet.

I truly enjoyed getting to know Ella and Jamie.  Their intelligent conversations about philosophy and poetry were fascinating.  Their relationship was refreshing.  And the fact that they are in Oxford makes their story even more fun to read - I just loved imagining wandering around the college and breathing in the fresh English air.  As for Jamie's secret, well, that broke my heart and had me reading even faster to find out what would happen.  I just loved this story to bits!!
I would happily recommend My Oxford Year to anyone and everyone looking for their next read - you won't want to miss this one!!

Here's the link to the TLC Book Tour schedule for: My Oxford Year
Thank you to the publisher and TLC Book Tours for providing me with a copy of this book!

Thursday, April 19, 2018

That's What She Said: Wise Words From Influential Women by Kimothy Joy

(Thank you to the publisher and TLC Book Tours for providing me with a copy of this book!)
about book:

An artist and activist committed to the empowerment of women and girls has created a gorgeous illustrated volume, blending watercolor and short biography to showcase the contributions of more than fifty influential female leaders whose words and actions are a passionate call to arms.

Distraught by the results of the 2016 election and the realization that the nation was not ready for its first female president, Kimothy Joy found herself poring over the biographies of brave women throughout history—those who persisted in the face of daunting circumstances—to learn from their experiences.

Turning to art, Joy channeled her feelings to the canvas, bringing these strong women to life in bold watercolor portraits surrounded by inspirational hand-lettered quotes. With each creation, Joy found catharsis and hope. She shared her watercolors with her online community and encouraged everyone to raise their own voices and recharge for the battles ahead.

Now, in this beautiful gift book, Joy has gathered her stunning illustrations and quotes and paired them with surprising, illuminating biographies of her subjects to inspire women of all ages, races, and backgrounds. That’s What She Said honors a powerful and diverse group of over fifty women—from Maya Angelou, Gloria Steinem, and Virginia Woolf to Sojourner Truth, Malala Yousafzai, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg—role models whose words and insights remind us that we must never give up the fight for a more just and equitable society.

Reclaiming the derogatory cultural barb “that’s what she said,” this stunning book celebrates strong female leadership throughout history and empowers current and future generations to find their voices and inspire change in their communities.

my thoughts:

What an inspirational book! I absolutely LOVED That's What She Said: Wise Words From Influential Women by Kimothy Joy.

I really enjoyed dipping in and out of such a lovely book, especially when I was having a rough day.  This book inspired, motivated, and comforted me - it was the perfect pick-me-up!  Its filled with  mini-biographies, watercolor paintings, and quotes that showcase female empowerment.  Women from all over the world are celebrated in this delightful book - their strength, determination, and intelligence leaping off the pages. You can't help but love learning about all of these amazing, influential women and their accomplishments - its fantastic!

Such a treat to read! I can't wait to share this book with friends and family - I just know they are going to fall in love with That's What She Said: Wise Words From Influential Women.  How could they not?!

I would happily recommend this book to anyone and everyone - you will love how inspired you feel whilst reading this book and long afterward.

Here's the link to the TLC Book Tour schedule for: That's What She Said
Thank you to the publisher and TLC Book Tours for providing me with a copy of this book!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Good Neighbors: A Novel by Joanne Serling

(Thank you to the publisher and TLC Book Tours for providing me with a copy of this book!)
about book:

A searing portrait of suburbia, friendship, and family strained by a devotion to false appearances.

In an idyllic suburb, four young families quickly form a neighborhood clique, their friendships based on little more than the ages of their children and a shared sense of camaraderie. When one of the couples, Paige and Gene Edwards, adopt a four-year-old girl from Russia, the group’s loyalty and morality is soon called into question. Are the Edwards unkind to their new daughter? Or is she a difficult child with hidden destructive tendencies?

As the seams of the group friendship slowly unravel, neighbor Nicole Westerhof finds herself drawn further into the life of the adopted girl, forcing Nicole to re-examine the deceptive nature of her own family ties, and her complicity in the events unfolding around her.
“I haven’t been captivated by a story like this in so long. The tension, the complexity, the obsession over status; how one hopes to be seen by others versus how one fears one is seen…GOOD NEIGHBORS is a stunning, shocking, entertaining, and thought-provoking look at humanity. I want everyone to read this book.”? Julia Fierro, author of The Gypsy Moth Mother and Cutting Teeth

“Riveting…GOOD NEIGHBORS exposes the dark underbelly of seemingly perfect families and friendships in this compulsively paced suburban thriller.”? Bethany Ball, author of What To Do About The Solomons

my thoughts:

What a terrific story! I absolutely LOVED Good Neighbors by Joanne Serling!

Paige and Gene adopt a little girl from Russia. Instead of rejoicing over their new addition, they are having to combat accusations from their neighbors - apparently, Paige's "mothering" is called into question when the neighbors (specifically, Nicole) begin to notice some odd behavior.  Of course, nothing is ever as it seems and no one really knows what is happening behind closed doors.  As speculation about Paige and her daughter heightens, the atmosphere becomes tense.  The neighbors aren't as neighborly as they once were.

Serling has written a fantastic story that is riveting, suspenseful, and chock full of drama. I just loved getting to know this group of neighbors and learning about their relationships through Nicole's eyes - talk about a skewed perspective!  As for the writing -  it was top notch with its attention to detail and slow-going pace.  I just loved getting caught up in the drama and trying to figure out what was really going on.  Serling's exploration of communities, relationships, and foreign adoption is fascinating. You can't help but think about your own neighborhood and relationships - definite food for thought.  Good Neighbors is a great read!

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for their next great read - you will LOVE Good Neighbors!!

Here's the link to the TLC Book Tour schedule for: Good Neighbors
Thank you to the publisher and TLC Book Tours for providing me with a copy of this book!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

The Other Mother: A Novel by Carol Goodman

(Thank you to the publisher and TLC Book Tours for providing me with a copy of this book!)
about book:

“An atmospheric and harrowing tale, richly literary in complexity but ripe with all the crazed undertones, confusions, and forebodings inherent in the gothic genre. Recommend this riveting, du Maurier–like novel to fans of Jennifer McMahon.” — Booklist (starred review)

From the author of the internationally bestselling The Lake of Dead Languages comes a gripping novel about madness, motherhood, love, and trust.

When Daphne Marist and her infant daughter, Chloe, pull up the gravel drive to the home of Daphne’s new employer, it feels like they’ve entered a whole new world. Tucked in the Catskills, the stone mansion looks like something out of a fairy tale, its lush landscaping hiding the view of the mental asylum just beyond its border. Daphne secured the live-in position using an assumed name and fake credentials, telling no one that she’s on the run from a controlling husband who has threatened to take her daughter away.

Daphne’s new life is a far cry from the one she had in Westchester where, just months before, she and her husband welcomed little Chloe. From the start, Daphne tries to be a good mother, but she’s plagued by dark moods and intrusive thoughts that convince her she’s capable of harming her own daughter. When Daphne is diagnosed with Post Partum Mood Disorder, her downward spiral feels unstoppable—until she meets Laurel Hobbes.

Laurel, who also has a daughter named Chloe, is everything Daphne isn’t: charismatic, sophisticated, fearless. They immediately form an intense friendship, revealing secrets to one another they thought they’d never share. Soon, they start to look alike, dress alike, and talk alike, their lives mirroring one another in strange and disturbing ways. But Daphne realizes only too late that being friends with Laurel will come at a very shocking price—one that will ultimately lead her to that towering mansion in the Catskills where terrifying, long-hidden truths will finally be revealed….

my thoughts: 

Twists and turns a plenty. I was seriously surprised by the ending that I did not see coming. Okay, I saw some of it, but not all of it.

This is the story of Daphne, a young mother who belongs to a group for women who suffer from Post-Partum depression. She's feeling lonely and out of sorts, so when she befriends, Laurel, one of the mothers from the PPD group, she is over the moon.  She feels like they have such a great connection and soon finds herself divulging all of her secrets to Laurel.  The two friends even begin to dress alike and look alike when Daphne gets her hair done in a similar style.  The duo seem on track to BFF status.  Except, things are exactly the way Daphne says they are. In fact, maybe Laurel really isn't her friend.  As problems at home escalate to the point that Daphne is terrified of her husband, she comes up with a plan to escape - an archivist job for her favorite author deep in the middle of nowhere.  Sure, the place is next to an insane asylum, but who cares, right?! Its the perfect escape from her problems and the perfect place to hide from her husband.  So, she takes her baby and makes a run for it.  She's soon settled and caught up in her new job, that she doesn't stop to pay attention to her surroundings or the people around her.  Instead, she gets obsessed with a story she's read, that by the time she realizes what's really happening to her, its already too late.  Of course, by this point, we begin to wonder if what Daphne's told us about her life is even real, let alone true.  Is she Daphne or is she Laurel? Apparently, both women kept diaries and documented everything, but their stories don't seem to match up - so, who's telling the truth?  Who is Daphne and who is Laurel?

Talk about a fun story! I really did enjoy this one - it was creepy and suspenseful. Plus, I just loved trying to figure out what was really happening.  The Other Mother was definitely a treat to read. I would happily recommend this book to fans of Carol Goodman and anyone looking for their next great read.

Here's the link to the TLC Book Tour schedule for: The Other Mother
Thank you to the publisher and TLC Book Tours for providing me with a copy of this book!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Eventide: A Novel by Therese Bohman

(Thank you to Other Press for providing me with a copy of this book!)
about book:

An astute novel following the life of an art professor at Stockholm University as she navigates the academic world, with its undercurrents of sexuality, competition, deceit, and fear

In her forties and childless, Karolina Andersson feels adrift living alone after the breakup of a long relationship. She finds fulfillment in her work, and when she starts advising a new postgraduate student, she is struck by his confidence. He claims to have discovered new materials from a female artist working around the turn of the century that would change the historiography of Swedish visual arts. Karolina soon finds herself embroiled in a game with unexpected complexities, both emotional and professional.

Eventide is a perceptive novel of ideas about love, art, and solitude in our time, and the distorted standards to which women are held in their relationships and their careers.

my thoughts:

An art professor in her forties who is single and pondering the quality of her life after ending a long-term relationship.  She considers what is the meaning and purpose of her life.  She notices the vast differences between her friends that are married with children and her own single, childless life.  She's having one-night stands, walks of shames, affairs with married men.  She feels lonely and drinks too much. Her sole focus is work, work, work.  And she begins to wonder if career over family was the right choice to make.

Talk about an arresting read! I absolutely LOVED Eventide by Therese Bohman. It was a melancholy tale chock full of art references that I enjoyed learning about and a character that I couldn't help but relate to.  The story explores loneliness, relationships, academia, gender wars, and so much more.  The writing was elegant, realistic, and mesmerizing.  I found myself captivated by this character study of a woman and her life in progress.  I loved reading her thoughts about her life, her work, her art, her affairs, etc..  And I loved when she found herself involved with a postgraduate student who claims to have discovered an unknown artist who will change the art world - he is smart, confident, pretentious, sexy, and irresistible to her.  Their relationship reawakens a passion in her that is fascinating to read about. Such a great story!!

I would happily recommend Eventide to fans of Bohman's books and anyone looking for their next great read - you will LOVE this book!!

Thank you to Other Press for providing me with a copy of this book!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

The Wild Inside: A Novel by Jamey Bradbury

(Thank you to the publisher and TLC Book Tours for providing me with a copy of this book!)
about book:

The Wild Inside is an unusual love story and a creepy horror novel — think of the Brontë sisters and Stephen King.” —John Irving

A promising talent makes her electrifying debut with this unforgettable novel, set in the Alaskan wilderness, that is a fusion of psychological thriller and coming-of-age tale in the vein of Jennifer McMahon, Chris Bohjalian, and Mary Kubica.

A natural born trapper and hunter raised in the Alaskan wilderness, Tracy Petrikoff spends her days tracking animals and running with her dogs in the remote forests surrounding her family’s home. Though she feels safe in this untamed land, Tracy still follows her late mother’s rules: Never Lose Sight of the House. Never Come Home with Dirty Hands. And, above all else, Never Make a Person Bleed.

But these precautions aren’t enough to protect Tracy when a stranger attacks her in the woods and knocks her unconscious. The next day, she glimpses an eerily familiar man emerge from the tree line, gravely injured from a vicious knife wound—a wound from a hunting knife similar to the one she carries in her pocket. Was this the man who attacked her and did she almost kill him? With her memories of the events jumbled, Tracy can’t be sure.

Helping her father cope with her mother’s death and prepare for the approaching Iditarod, she doesn’t have time to think about what she may have done. Then a mysterious wanderer appears, looking for a job. Tracy senses that Jesse Goodwin is hiding something, but she can’t warn her father without explaining about the attack—or why she’s kept it to herself.

It soon becomes clear that something dangerous is going on . . . the way Jesse has wormed his way into the family . . . the threatening face of the stranger in a crowd . . . the boot-prints she finds at the forest’s edge.

Her family is in trouble. Will uncovering the truth protect them—or is the threat closer than Tracy suspects?

my thoughts:

A mystery-thriller with a spot of romance and a bit of horror - what more could I want, right? The Wild Inside was a terrifically gripping story that had me from the start. I absolutely loved getting to know Tracy and the Alaskan wilderness through her story.  Born and raised to hunt and trap animals, Tracy knows the forests surrounding her family's home like the back of her hand. She is comfortable in them and familiar with the sounds nature makes.  Plus, she follows the rules her late mother made about staying close to home and never hurting anyone.  Unfortunately, sometimes rules are made to be broken. One day out in the wilderness, Tracy gets attacked and when she comes to she sees a man who has been injured - was she the one to injure him? Unsure of what really happened, she keeps her attack a secret from her father.  However, when a new stranger comes to work for them, she begins to wonder who he really is - was he the man who attacked her? Why is he here in a remote part of the state? What's his motive? So many questions for her to ponder, but not enough time to do so - especially as she's still helping her father cope with the loss of her mother and getting ready for the upcoming Iditarod - ack!

Bradbury has written a fantastically compelling story set in a part of the States that I've always wondered about. The beauty and the vastness of the land spills from the pages. I could smell the clean, crisp air and imagine being surrounded by the wilderness. I felt myself easily caught up in Tracy's life and wondered what she would do to protect her family.  I loved trying to figure out who was responsible for the attack and why. I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the book - suspenseful and thrilling at the same time!  This is definitely a book I would recommend to anyone looking for their next great read - you will LOVE this book!

Here's the link to the TLC Book Tour schedule for: The Wild Inside
Thank you to the publisher and TLC Book Tours for providing me with a copy of this book!

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Three Things About Elsie by Joanna Cannon

I absolutely LOVED Cannon's novel, The Trouble With Goats and Sheep.  It was one of my favorite reads last year. So, when I heard about her new book, Three Things About Elsie, I knew I had to buy a copy ASAP.  Unfortunately, the book doesn't come out in the US until August - ack! Luckily, I was able to purchase it through Book Depository - hurrah!  I started it the other day and couldn't put it down. And now that its over, I miss the characters so much.

Here are three things about this book:

1.  This is the story of Florence, an elderly woman residing at Cherry Tree - a home for the elderly.  She's fallen and is waiting for someone to find her.  As she waits on the floor, she begins to wonder about a secret from her past and whether or not it will come to light.  She is also curious about the new resident, Gabriel Price - he looks exactly like a man she once knew, except that man drowned.  Also, her best friend Elsie isn't there to help her.  Where is she? She's always around Florence chatting with her about anything and everything.  The longer Florence lies on the floor, the more we learn about life at Cherry Tree and that huge secret she's kept locked away.

2.  This book. Oh. My. God.  I absolutely LOVED it!! Once I started, I just could not stop reading. I found myself swept away by Florence's story.  I loved getting to know her and her friends. I loved learning about her life before Cherry Tree and at Cherry Tree.  I loved the way the story weaved back and forth from present time to a few weeks back in time - showing us what led to Florence's fall. I also really enjoyed the way Cannon connected the characters, even the peripheral ones.  She wrote this story in such a clear and detailed manner, that it was so easy to imagine myself wandering around at Cherry Tree and listening in on the residents' conversations or breathing in the sea air during their trip to the seaside. I found myself captivated and enjoying every second I spent with Florence, Jack, and Elsie.

3.  There were some predictable moments in the book, but truthfully it didn't bother me. I was too busy learning about life at a home for the elderly.  The way the residents were treated, listened to, ignored, placated, etc..  The staff's attitude toward the elderly residents they saw day in and day out - the ways in which they watched them, kept track of them, put them on probation, threatened them with removal to a different residence for the elderly (the place that no one wants to go to - Greenbank), etc..  And the residents themselves - watching the telly, sitting in the Japanese garden, playing Scrabble, attending bingo games (basically, keeping busy any which way possible).  Reading about how when one of them passes away, their belongings are just thrown away and its like they were never even there.  Florence often wonders if anyone will miss her, will even notice she's gone.  She wonders if she should have married, had children, and lived a different life from the one she led.  She worries that her life has been meaningless.  Reading about her concerns made me think about my own life and my own family and how short it all really is, so we need to enjoy it and embrace it as much as we can. I will admit that I did cry whilst reading this book - specifically when a favorite character of mine passed away.  I just couldn't help but feel sadness when they were gone.  Of course, the book made me feel all the feels - it was just that good of a book.  I also can't stop thinking about the residents and staff at Cherry Tree - I wonder how they are and if they've made the changes that they were considering making.  I guess I'm just missing the story and wishing I were still reading it. I loved this book and look forward to re-reading it again and again.

And now, I'm off to finish The Death of Mrs. Westaway by Ruth Ware.  Happy Reading!!

Monday, April 2, 2018

1,001 Ways to Be Creative: A Little Book of Everyday Inspiration by Barbara Ann Kipfer

(Thank you to the publisher and TLC Book Tours for providing me with a copy of this book!)
about book:

Best-selling author Dr. Barbara Ann Kipfer is back with a new, beautifully illustrated book that will help you break free from to-do lists and find time to think and live more creatively. The third entry in Kipfer’s successful 1,001 Ways series, this interactive list book will inspire anyone looking to unleash their creative genius.

In today’s overscheduled world, there is often little room for creativity in our daily lives. 1,001 Ways to Be Creative shows you how to set your brain free, and will help you find the time and energy to play, dream, imagine, breathe, and explore. This inspirational book of lists offers a treasure trove of ways to bring a little creativity into your life, including ideas for innovative things to do, practical tips, and thought-provoking quotes. Interactive prompts inspire art projects, storytelling, innovative thinking, seeing like an artist, and more. With this energizing book by your side, your next Big Idea could be just around the corner!

my thoughts:

I am all about creativity lately. Whether its writing, arting, or junk journaling - I am all in.  So, you can understand my excitement when this lovely little tome came into my possession. I'd already read Kipfer's, 1,001 Ways to Be Wild, so I just knew that I was going to enjoy her latest, 1,001 Ways to Be Creative. And let me just say, I was so right. This book came to me at the perfect time.

Chock full of ideas, quotes, lists, and writing prompts - this book is my new go-to when I need some inspiration.  I just love picking it up and flipping to a random page, because I know that there will always be something new for me to try. This book is cute, fun, and such a great way to get your creative juices flowing.  From "painting something in your home that could use a facelift" to "writing your life story in 250 words or less", this book will always have something for you to do.  Plus, its such a great book to have out on your coffee table - your family and friends can check it out and get inspired to be more creative, too. This truly is the perfect little book to help get you thinking outside of the box and I love it. I would happily recommend 1,001 Ways to Be Creative to fans of Kipfer's books and to anyone looking for some fresh inspiration - you will LOVE this book!!

Here's the link to the TLC Book Tour schedule for: 1,001 Ways to Be Creative
Thank you to the publisher and TLC Book Tours for providing me with a copy of this book!