Monday, January 13, 2020

New Year, No Bookish Resolutions

Happy New Year! I know that I'm a bit late with my well wishes, but as the say goes...better late than never.

So, how has the new year been treating you, thus far? Have you been reading up a storm or savoring your first book of the year? I started off in a reading funk, but lately I have been gobbling up books left and right. I think I was waiting for something substantial to call my attention and when it didn't, I picked up a chick lit novel.  And then, I read another and now I'm reading nothing but mystery-thrillers. I always find those two genres to be satisfying, fun, and easy to get lost in. I think I needed that to help me get my reading back on track. Luckily, its worked. I'm currently in the middle of:
Of course, now I'm trying to figure out what to read next already. I was thinking of something for the Japanese Literature Challenge that my dear friend, Meredith is hosting over at her awesome book blog, Dolce Bellezza.  The challenge is three months long and all you have to do in that time is read one (or more) book(s) which have originally been written in Japanese. And, that's it. Easy peasy, right? Now, all I have to do is pick a book or three to read. Right now I have Yoshimoto, Ogawa and Murakami swirling around in my head.  Hmm...what do you think? Which writer should I pick? Or do you have one you can recommend? Let me know.
Oh, and before I forget, I just wanted to share that I am not making any bookish resolutions this year. I feel like I always do and I never manage to stick to them. Whether its trying to be "low-buy" with my book buying or writing more blog posts - I just seem to always fall short. So, this year I have decided to just go with the flow. Whatever floats my boat is the way I will read and book blog. We'll see how that goes. What about you? Any bookish resolutions for 2020?

And now, I'm off to read some more of You Can't Catch Me. Hope you have a wonderful week! Happy reading!!


  1. Other than hitting 50 books on Goodreads, that's my only bookish resolution ever. I don't like the pressure of sticking to anything! :)

  2. My reading has been great lately and I hope to keep it up even though production week started this week. Oh, we have done this so many times but this role requires her to be there so early and it's a bit stressful.

    And, my daughter took her first behind the wheel driving lesson and between you and I, she absolutely hated it. Now that they signed off on her permit, I am going to have to take her out after this show so she can practice. She was mortified at how little she knew but with the new law you can't even be in the driver's seat until your permit is signed at the first lesson so they are used to you knowing nothing. I told her that but she didn't believe me and I guess the guy kind of yelled at her. Like, that helps. Ugh.

  3. Brandie, I know what you mean about pressure :) I like your bookish resolution - 50 books is something that's feasible and easy to surpass, which I know you will most definitely accomplish :)

    Ti, that's awesome about your reading - hopefully you'll be able to keep it up with everything you have going on. Production week sounds busy, but fingers crossed you can squeeze a few pages here and there :) Oh, I'm sorry she hated it. Of course, I'm sure it didn't help that he yelled at her - the creep! Yelling isn't helpful - common sense he should know. Good luck to you and her with the driving lessons. Maybe having mom will help her :) I'm sure she'll get the hang of it soon enough.

  4. I've been savoring my first reads of the year, and it's been nice. Not putting pressure on myself--to read more, to blog more, etc--is one of my 2020 goals. I just want to enjoy this year, you know?

  5. Happy New Year to you! I quite making resolutions and signing up for challenges because I never stuck with them so they only made me feel worse.
