Thursday, July 2, 2020

Paris In July - Tenth Year Anniversary!!

2020 marks the ten year anniversary of one of my FAVORITE challenges - Paris In July. How exciting! A month of all things French - food, movies, music, and books! I'm planning on posting at least once a week for this challenge - possibly more. I am going to listen to Tiersen, re-watch some favorite movies, and read a few great books. I have two novels on my list that sound sooo good:

What do you think? Do you have any recommendations? Let me know. And, if you're interested in joining in on the fun, check out this link to get all the details over at Tamara's blog, Thyme for Tea - she's the hostest with the mostest.

Oh, and I've also made some pretty cool junk journals to journal in this month - French themed ones, of course. I can't wait to start penning some ideas, thoughts, and bookish notes in them.

Hope you all are well. Take care and stay safe!! Happy reading!!


  1. I always have high hopes & big plans for Paris in July, but the month flies I've learnt to source some children's picture books with a French theme!!
    I also save some Maigret's for July - they only take me two reading sessions to finish.

    I hope you enjoy your choices this year.

  2. I have French Exit on my list. I didn't know about the new book from the author of The Reader on the 6.27, so thank you. I shall have to look for it.

  3. I Love This event also. Now that most of us cannot travel it seems very valuable. I listed my Reading hopes on y Blog I look forward to reading your posts.

  4. I love the cover for The Rest of Their Lives!

  5. I read French Exit last year. But I don't know the other. Looking forward to PIJ!

  6. The french themed junk journal sounds wonderful. I setup July in my bullet journal with the Paris in July theme to get into the spirit of things. I like you reading picks. Happy reading.
