Friday, January 7, 2022

My Friday Five

1.  These Precious Days by Ann Patchett. I am LOVING this book of essays. Of course, I always seem to LOVE Patchett's writing, so I'm not really surprised by how much I am enjoying dipping in and out of this lovely tome. 

2.  TV shows. Hallmark was on 24/7 during the holiday seasons and now I am trying to figure out what to watch next.  I've started re-watching The Office and I am watching the new seasons of Real Housewives - Miami and OC. However, I am itching to get obsessed with a new-to-me TV show. Hmm...what to watch.

3. Music.  Yesterday I listened to The Lumineers all day long and today I have The Beatles on. I seem to be craving my favorite bands and wanting to listen to them constantly.  By the way I watched the new documentary on The Beatles called, The Beatles: Get Back. It was so good! I just loved watching them create music and work together. Of course there was drama, which I was captivated by. It was such a fun documentary to watch.  I loved their rooftop concert - excellent! 

4. Planners. What to use? So many choices. I tend to use several, which is the problem. I use one for my book blog, one for finances, one for general appointments, and one for gratitude. I was even thinking of starting one this year for social media and another for creative projects. However, I feel like that seems excessive. LOL! I think my addiction to planners stems from my addiction to journals and all things stationery. Hmm...

5.  Cookies. I am a cookie monster. Or at least it feels that way. I blame the holiday season for this addiction. I am currently noshing on Chesapeake cookies from Pepperidge Farms and these wafer cookies from some store brand I found at Aldi. They are all soooo delicious!

And now, I'm off to read some more Patchett. Hope you are having a great first week of the new year. Happy reading!!


  1. I love this post! What a great idea to do a Friday Five. I might have to steal this from you sometimes. :)

  2. I'm a big Ann Patchett fan, too so I loved your post. I enjoyed this book, I liked her honesty in the essay where she was doing endless yoga with her terminally ill friend but was yearning to be in bed with a good book! Just reread Truth and Beauty, too.
