Saturday, January 13, 2024

The Maisie Dobbs Read-Along

Every year I look forward to certain authors releasing new books and I jot down the release dates in my planner. One of those authors is Jacqueline Winspear. I'm a huge fan of her Maisie Dobbs series and always look forward to the latest installment. So, imagine my shock and sadness to find out that 2024 will be the last year a new Maisie Dobbs book will be released. It'll be the eighteenth book in the series and will be released on June 4th here in the States. So, of course I will be re-reading the entire series before June 4th. What do you think about joining me? 

Yep, I have decided to host my first reading challenge. Well, it's not really a reading challenge, it's more of a read-along. The Maisie Dobbs Read-Along to be exact. I figured that there are 144 days until the release date, which means there are a little over 5 months to read all 17 books. That way, the final book can be devoured as soon as it's available. I just know I'm going to be sad to say goodbye to one of my all-time favorite characters. Which is why I think it'll be fun to read all about her once more. Kind of like a final goodbye. Although, let's be honest, you know I'll be re-reading the entire series again and again at some point. 

Anyhow, what do you think? Are you a fan of Winspear's popular series, Maisie Dobbs? And, if so, would you want to join in and re-read the series before the new book is released on June 4th? Let me know if you're interested. I plan on posting about each book: once when I start re-reading it, and then again when I finish it. I figure we can chat about the books in the comment section. How does that sound? I've never hosted anything like this, so I'm excited and nervous. So, please let me know if I'm forgetting anything. I figure the main thing is to have fun re-reading this amazing series and to just have a chat about it along the way. 

Here's the cover for the last book in the series:

The title and that cover...Whoa! I can't wait to read it and find out how Maisie will be left in the end. I'm so excited and sad at the same time. 

And now, I'm off to continue to decluttering my office, because it NEEDS it. Hope you are enjoying your Saturday morning. Happy reading!

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