Monday, February 19, 2024

Bookish Plans...Fail

Hiya! In a previous post I mentioned some bookish plans that I had for my blogs and, well, they didn't exactly pan out. For Books Are My Balm I was going to try to finally read The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. I had tried before, but gave up after five weeks. Well, this time round, I gave up reading after week 2. I just realized that TWA is not for me and that was okay. So, that book will now go in a donate pile and hopefully it will be someone else's jam. I'm not even sure why I was trying to force the book. Maybe because everyone seems to rave about how it changed their lives and I'm in a place where I want that for myself. If only it were that easy, eh? 

As for the Maisie Dobbs Read-Along...yeah, that's over, too. I am not a reader who plans ahead. I'm a mood reader, so deciding to read a book a week was never going to work for me. Especially, since I know me. I'm the type of person who rereads a series right before the latest book is released. Just like with TV shows, I binge watch the whole series before the new season starts. That's my jam. I'm pretty sure that once it gets closer to June 4th, I'll be in the mood to reread the entire Maisie Dobbs series, so that is what I'll be doing. I'll share about it all then. 

The 100 Day Project started yesterday. It runs for 100 days and basically is about creating. You can draw, write, paint, sketch, knit, dance, sing, whatever calls to you. Just do it for 100 days and share about it. I've tried this before and never seem to find something that truly sticks, which is why I think I usually give up midway through. This year I want to focus on my writing, so I will writing, writing, writing. I plan on writing blog posts for both of my blogs - that will be my 100 day project. I figure if I get in a routine I will be able to fall back into blogging again, which is something I really want. So, wish me luck!

And now, I'm off to run errands. Just wanted to catch you all up. Hope you are having a terrific Monday morning. Happy reading!


  1. I'm a big believer in never forcing yourself to finish reading a book you're not enjoying. NO matter how popular it may be. And good luck with your 100 Day Project...I hope it turns out to be fun and creatively freeing. :D

  2. Lark, thank you! You are so right - never force it! I hope it turns out that way, too :)
