Friday, March 8, 2024

My Friday Five...

1.  Yoko Ogawa. I love her books. I love her writing. So, I was thrilled to find out that she has a new book coming out in August (13th) - hurrah! I was beyond excited when NetGalley provided me with an early copy thanks to Pantheon Books. So, I have been slowly reading it and enjoying every word. 

2. The 100 Day Project. I am still keeping up with it, which makes me so happy. I can't believe that I haven't given up already - I normally would have by now. I guess that I'm really digging writing blog posts again, which is helping me stay on track. Cool beans.

3. Bravo TV. I've been watching the Housewives reunions for Miami and Beverly Hills. And, I've been watching the new season of Summer House. I also just watched the trailer for the upcoming season of The Real Housewives of New Jersey. I'm enjoying the drama on all the shows, but I'm also not enjoying it. Does that make sense? It's just too much yelling at times, which can be a bit much. And, their 'drama' can be so superficial it's annoying to even watch. Yet, I watch. LOL!

4. More TV. I've also been rewatching Seinfeld - one of my favorites! And I started watching The Strain. It's an old show about vampires (or something like that). I remember watching some of the first season and then I stopped. So, we'll see if I finally finish the first season and then the rest of it. If not, I need to find something fun to watch. I was thinking of rewatching The West Wing - considering it's an election year, it might be a good idea. 

5. New Murakami. Woo hoo! Yep, his new book comes out later this year - November 26th. I will be pre-ordering this one and spending Thanksgiving weekend reading it. I can't wait!!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Happy reading!


  1. I'm excited there's a new Yoko Ogawa book coming out. And a new Murakami, too? Yay! And kudos to you on doing so well with your 100 Days Project. That's awesome. :D

  2. Lark, I know, right? Talk about a great year for new books :) Thank you - I really appreciate that. I'm proud of myself for sticking with it.
