Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Home Is Where The Bodies Are by Jeneva Rose

(Thank you to Blackstone Publishing Inc. and Edelweiss for providing me with a copy of this book!)

Whoa! What a terrific story! I LOVED Jeneva Rose's latest novel, Home Is Where The Bodies Are. The book's cover sucked me in and had me grabbing for my copy right away. And, the was unputdownable! I enjoyed every second with it - I couldn't fall asleep until I read to the very end. I had to find out what happened and whodunit - I just had to! 

The story is about three siblings who wind up back home together after their mom passes away. As they go through her belongings they come across old home movies. They decide to watch one and soon are lost in memories of that time. Except, when the video ends, another one begins. Only this one has their parents and a dead body in it and they know who that body belongs to. Talk about family secrets! And, that is all I will share about this riveting read. You just have to grab a copy and dive right in, because this is one book you won't want to miss out on. It has family drama, family secrets, loss, love, and shocking twists - the book has it all in spades and it is soooo good! Definitely my favorite by Jeneva Rose. 

I would happily recommend Home Is Where The Bodies Are to anyone and everyone looking for their next great read. You are going to LOVE this one! 

Thank you to Blackstone Publishing Inc. and Edelweiss for providing me with a copy of this book!


  1. A dead body? That is one very shocking family secret! Glad this one turned out to be such a good read. :D

  2. Lark, I know! It was crazy! I loved trying to piece it all together. :)
