Monday, April 8, 2024

Monday Musings...

Cold front weekend and I loved it! I was able to wear sweaters, long sleeves, and these huge sweatpants I bought (I call them casual chic - LOL!) - it was the best! Plus, the cold weather always makes me crave coffee even more, and ice cream treats. So, yeah, Dairy Queen blizzards were devoured. Yum!

The eclipse. Everyone seems to be talking about it. I keep hearing about all of these restaurants advertising 'eclipse' deals. And, people are traveling for it. What do you think about the eclipse? Are you in the path of it? I'm not, which is maybe why I'm feeling rather nonplussed about it. My uncle lives in the path and tons of people have been showing up for the eclipse already. So, he's definitely feeling the excitement surrounding it. 

I watched White Collar the other day, because I like Matt Bomer. And it's on Netflix now, so I figured I'd give it a go. Yeah, I quit watching pretty early on. I felt like it was on par with Suits, another show I couldn't get into. So, I started watching Sex and the City, because that is now on Netflix, too. I've seen it before, but never all of the seasons. So, I thought I'd give it a go. It's a fun show to watch, although I can't help get annoyed with Carrie for being obsessed with Big when he's such a jerk to her. Anyhow, I needed something familiar and fun to watch, so I started to rewatch The Magicians. I love that show! I'm tempted to reread the books - again. What about you? Are you watching anything good? 

Alright, well, I'm off to declutter my books. Wish me luck! 


  1. I wish I lived in the path of totality! Total solar eclipses are so cool. I very much considered traveling to Texas just so I could see another one, but it didn't work with my job darn it. I went up to Idaho for the last eclipse and it was amazing! I didn't expect it to be so awe-inspiring and emotional, but it really was. Hope the weather was good enough for all those people who traveled to see this one to actually be able to see it. Good luck with your decluttering! :D

  2. Lark, that sounds amazing! Now, I'm wishing I had lived in the path, too. I think that's so cool you were able to see the last one and had such an awesome experience :) That sounds like the best! Thank you! Seems like I do need the luck with my decluttering :) Wishing you a great Tuesday!
