Monday, April 29, 2024

Monday Musings...

Woke up way too early. Not ready for the 5am club today. I need much more sleep. I hate when my anxiety gets the better of me and keeps me up late and then I wake up before I've barely slept 4 hours. Ugh. I keep thinking of that Barenaked Ladies song, Who Needs Sleep? LOL!

I read the new Lucy Foley book over the weekend and I loved it! I'm so happy I was able to get my hands on an early copy - thank you to William Morrow and Edelweiss. It was such a good read. Pulled me right in and kept me guessing whodunit. 

I've started rewatching Grimm...again. I feel like I've seen that show hundreds of times by now. I just really enjoy it. I'm on season 2 now and I'm having fun picking up on things I never noticed before. It's such a great show. I always wonder why they didn't go a bit longer with it. Or do a reboot. Hmm....

Anyhow, wishing you all the best this week. Happy reading!


  1. I hate when anxiety keeps you up at night, making it impossible to sleep. I keep trying to find a 'cure' for it, but I haven't had any luck yet. And The Midnight Feast does sound like a good read. I really liked Foley's book The Paris Apartment; I'll have to check this newest one out this summer.

  2. Lark, I know, right. It's the worst! I wish there was a cure. It was a good read. It was fun and quick and I loved trying to figure out whodunit or whodunwhat. Definitely check it out! Makes for the perfect summer read :)
