Monday, May 6, 2024

Monday Musings...

Sleep has eluded me for so long. I finally tried sleep patches, but they did not work. Ack! Last night when I finally fell asleep, I slept hart and it was bliss. Of course, I had to wake up early (4:30am) and I was so sluggish. I still feel sleepy.  My sleep debt is too high. I want to go back to bed, but my to-do list won't let me. So, I have decided my dream vacation is to rent a very nice hotel room and sleep for days. LOL! If only. 

Aside from lack of sleep, I am finally going to declutter. My sister wants to have a garage sale soonish, so I want to gather some items to include in it. I figure this might give me the push I need to start decluttering. Wish me luck! My office is out of control - yikes!

I'm too tired to muse about anything else. So, I will let you go for now. Hope you are having a wonderful Monday morning. Happy reading!

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