Friday, May 17, 2024

My Friday Five...

1. Tracker. I'm officially obsessed with this show. I love it! And, we finally met the older brother, Russell. Love seeing Colter with his family, so we can figure out the dynamics and the truth as they each know it. I still have so many questions, which I love. It means I need to keep watching the show - LOL!

2.  Books. The Secrets Next Door by Sally Royer-Derr. It's a mystery suspense story. I enjoyed parts of it - some of those twists made my jaw drop. However, the story itself was a bit too predictable and could definitely have been edited much more. All in all, it was a quick read that I did sort of like. Plus, it was a nice break from Rushdie's, Knife. I'm loving his writing and the book, but I'm taking my time with it. Knife is the kind of book that needs to be mulled over, not just devoured. 

3. Mental Health. I feel a bit better, which is nice. Except, I feel like anxiety is simmering just under the surface, so...yeah, it's still a bit rough this week. 

4. TV. I'm still rewatching Grimm and LOVING it. I wish they had kept the show going a bit longer. Oh well, it's fun to watch again and again. I'm thinking of rewatching The West Wing - I haven't in awhile, so maybe it's time. 

5. Music. Let It Be by The Beatles. I'm still playing it on repeat after re-watching Let It Be. Such a great film and such a great album. Love it!

Wishing you all a great weekend. Happy reading!


  1. I love Tracker, too! I'm glad they've renewed it, but am really sad it's the season finale on Sunday. Colter Shaw is such a great character! And I've been re-watching ER...I'd forgotten how much I liked that show. Happy Friday...and enjoy your weekend. :D

  2. Lark, I know! I'm so glad the you love it, too :) I didn't even realize the finale was already happening - crikey! I've got to make sure to watch it!! I used to love watching ER when it first aired - such a great show! Wishing you a Happy Friday, too :) Have a great weekend!!
