Friday, May 24, 2024

My Friday Five...

1. Therapy. I finally made an appointment. We'll see how it goes. Wish me luck!

2. The X-Files: Perihelion by Claudia Gray. I finished the book and LOVED it. Reading about Scully and Muller was such a fun time. I'm definitely going to be rewatching the show and movies ASAP!

3. Stephen King's new book, You Like It Darker. I love short stories. And, I love Stephen King's stories. So, I just know I'm in for a treat. 

4. Weather. The heat is unbearable and summer hasn't even fully arrived yet. Yikes! Plus, hurricane season starts up next month. Double Yikes!

5.  Planners. I'm still trying new ones. I just bought an undated one at TJ Max. Ugh. I need to quit and just use what I'm already using and own. Bad habits, eh? 

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Happy reading!


  1. Good luck with your therapy appointment! I hope it's helpful. And hot temps is the one thing I don't love about summer. Stay cool this weekend. :D

  2. Lark, thank you! I know, right. That hot sun is fierce - yikes! Hope you had a great weekend!
