Friday, June 28, 2024

My Friday Five...

1. The cold that never ends. Or at least it feels that way to me. I do feel better-ish, but not one hundred precent better. Hopefully by the end of this weekend I will. Fingers crossed!

2. My reading is still going strong, which I am loving. I just finished an early copy of the new Liane Moriarty book,  which I really enjoyed. Especially since it inspired me to start an OGT notebook. OGT means one good thing. There's a part in the story where gratitude journaling is mentioned and a character responds that they've been doing it for years, but they call it OGT. And he only jots down a word or a sentence, which I loved. I've been gratitude journaling for years, but lately I've gotten tired of it. I think I try to write too much and it just feels like a chore. So, when I read that bit, it just hit me about how simple he made it and I really liked that. So, I bought a Hobonichi Weeks and created my own OGT notebook. And, I am really having fun with it. 


3. Rain. The rain is here and it is loud and annoying. So much thunder - ugh!

4. Travis. I was on YouTube looking at a music video when a new Travis one was recommended. I couldn't believe that I had forgotten about them. I used to love listening to their music. So, I hit play and really enjoyed their new song, Bus. And now, I'm playing their music on repeat. 

5. The Bear. Season three is finally here! Hurrah! I've been rewatching to get ready for the new season. Such a terrific show! Love it!

Wishing you a lovely weekend! Happy reading!


  1. I love the idea of writing down One Good Thing everyday. (Do you try and do it everyday?) And I'll trade you all our 100+ temps for your rain! Hope you start feeling 100% soon. :D

  2. Lark, I know, right? Such a good idea :) I do try and do it everyday, but if I miss a day or two, it's not a big deal. Some days you can't find a good thing, because you are just not feeling it and that is okay. OMG! Rain over those temps any day - LOL! Thanks so much! Hope you have a great weekend! :)
