

Friday, June 21, 2024

My Friday Five...

I have none this week, because I'm sick. It's not COVID. I think it's a cold. And, it sucks. I haven't been sick like this in so long, I forgot how miserable you feel. It's funny, because I already feel badly from other health issues and yet a cold really can knock you on your arse. LOL! Anyhow, I have been reading up a storm and that has been a lovely surprise. Hope you all are well. Happy reading!


Lark@LarkWrites said...

I'm so sorry you're sick. Some colds do seem to take forever to get over. Load up on Zicam Rapid Melts and Airborne...both seem to help whenever I get sick. And I hope you start feeling better soon.

Nadia said...

Lark, thank you so much! I really appreciate it. This cold is clinging to me and I am tired of it. Ugh.

Ti said...

I can relate. I caught a cold about six weeks ago that was okay for awhile but then my lungs were making a horrible sound and I was worried it was more than my pulmonary embolism stuff. Wasn't even bronchitis just terribly congested. It sucked! Hope you feel better soon.

I saw a news piece recently that said to check your reusable water bottle if you are sick for awhile or keep getting sick. White mold is a thing and I just took my own bottle apart to find some.

Nadia said...

Ti, that's the worst! I'm glad you're okay. And, thank you! I'm feeling better-ish. This cold just won't go away.

That is crazy about white mold - I didn't even know! Whoa! I definitely need to check my bottles. Thanks for the tip!