

Monday, February 24, 2025

Monday Musings...

I read an article the other day by Martha Beck. She was talking about anxiety and creativity. Her theory is that if you are making something, being creative then anxiety will calm down. This idea appealed to me. Especially since anxiety and depression have been imposing on my life even more than normal. So, I thought to myself, why not use The 100 Day Project as a means to test out this theory. I'll be working on three projects, which I'm hoping will help lure all those intrusive thoughts far, far away. Wish me luck!

I've been using old unfinished journals to journal in lately and really enjoying reading my thoughts from 20 years ago. I figured why not use old unfinished art journals to work in for The 100 Day Project. It's fun to flip through them and see what I created ages ago - definitely inspires me to create more. Plus, it's fun to add new creations into these old art journals. Also, these creations are typically magazine cutouts with paint on them or quotes scribbled on top. I want to collage more, sketch and paint, and just have fun in these old books. 

My reading is on fire and I am LOVING it. I was reading so many mystery thrillers lately, that diving into Mansfield Park has been a lot of fun. 

Tracker! I am really enjoying these new episodes so much. I'm rewatching the first season again with my mom - she's a huge fan of the show, too. I told her that they have renewed for a third season - woo hoo!

Decluttering my books was slow-going at first, but after I let go of the guilt and shame (of buying books I never read, or simply downsizing the collection I'd amassed over the years) it's gotten easier to say goodbye to a lot of my books. Plus, I'm realizing that a lot of these books are ones I have no interest in reading anymore, or again. And it's easy to choose the ones I most definitely want to keep (Murakami, Strout, Wodehouse, Vonnegut, Toews) - I can't help but grab those and automatically put them back onto my bookshelves. LOL! At the end of the day, I guess I really do know what I want. 

And now, I'm off to tackle my Monday to-do list. Wishing you a lovely week ahead. Happy reading!

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