Thursday, February 6, 2025

Three Things...

1. The 100 Day Project begins February 23rd - hurrah! Once again, I'm joining in on the fun. The only thing is that I currently have not clue what my project will be. Last year I focused on writing by blogging every day and succeeded. This year I want to do something a bit more arty - use my paint supplies, sketchbooks, art books, etc.. I could just art journal every day - whether that be collaging or painting. I'm not great at either, but that could be the fun of it, right? Let me know if you have any suggestions.

2. Planners. Yes, I'm still talking about planners. Ugh. Mainly because I got swept up in all the planner craziness - buying way too many planners, stressing over the paper quality, trying all sorts of configurations, using different stickers, etc.. And now I am over it. I just want simple. So I went to TJ Max and bought a $7 planner. I am going to use that one planner for all the basics, along with book blogging and my 100 Day project progress. The only other planner I will be using is for finances. I already feel better. I am disappointed that I did get caught up in the planner frenzy and spent way too much money that I didn't have on planners that I did not like - ack! Lessons learned - always go back to basics and keep it simple. 

3. Decluttering. I was watching YouTube and they were talking about people buying things, because they think they should have those types of things in their home and life. Kind of like buying something for the life you want to have. It reminded me of my cousin - when I have a pile of books to donate, he chooses which ones he wants - not to read them, but to put on his shelves so he looks well-read. That's like me buying tons of art supplies and art books, because I want to be artistic, but I'm not. I haven't even used my watercolors or read the art books. Ugh. So, they were saying that those are the types of things to declutter, because they are just negative reminders of things we bought but never used. I'm going to apply that idea to my declutter - Is this something I will use right now, or is this something I think I should be using? Like, is this book something I would normally read, or did I buy it because everyone is talking about it? I mentioned that last one, because I sometimes buy the popular read and typically wind up disappointed by it - so I need to stop buying those books. 

And now, I'm off to tackle some of my to-dos. Wishing you a lovely Thursday. Happy reading!

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