- Lent is here and that means sacrificing something. This year I've decided to give up Facebook and Twitter. I spend way too much time on both sites and feel that its time to take a break. So, instead of checking news feeds and tweets, I will be reading or writing. Most likely reading more often than writing. Wish me luck!
- Another reason I've been MIA from blogging has to do with my health. I have autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) and that tends to exhaust me, but lately I've been feeling some pretty intense pains. So, I went to my doc and found out that my gallbladder doesn't look too great. Turns out that most people with AIH wind up with dead gallbladders. Talk about scary! Now I need more tests. Ugh! Hopefully, my gallbladder is functioning at 20% or above, because then I won't need surgery. Fingers crossed!
- I've been listening to the 10,000 Maniacs MTV Unplugged CD like crazy lately. I love Natalie Merchant's voice and was feeling rather nostalgic, so I've had this CD on repeat.
- I've been culling my books - again! I already have a bag ready to give to my cousin. He takes them to the local senior citizens' center. This need to declutter my bookshelves derived from Oprah's latest issue of O magazine which was all about decluttering - spiffy in a jiffy, anyone?
- I'm watching more TV lately. Empire, The Walking Dead, Better Call Saul, Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, and Child Genius are just a few of my favorites. Of course I'm still watching The Mindy Project - who doesn't love Dr. L? However, now with Mindy being preggers, I'm not really sure how the show will play out. A baby just doesn't seem to fit with the usual crazy antics of the characters - maybe that's the point?
- I'm back at the gym. Yep, I decided that after my recent medical drama (possible dead gallbladder) that I need to focus more on my health. So, I have been waking up before its light out and heading to gym. So far, I'm really enjoying it. I fill my iPod with music that makes me want to move and just go for it. Fingers crossed I can keep it up and make it a habit.
- I've been reading more Murakami. I'm a huge fan of his work, but have yet to read all of his books. I just don't want to run out of his stories, so I read them piecemeal. Earlier this week I read his latest short story in The New Yorker titled, Kino. I absolutely loved The Strange Library and had a craving for donuts afterward. I must admit it was weird and fascinating. I kept thinking that the beautiful young girl who helped him was his mom in some form. And last night I read South of the Border, West of the Sun. It was one of his most straight forward stories that I've read in quite some time and I didn't know what to make of it. I was riveted with Hajime's meetings with Shimamoto. I kept thinking that she was going to spring some crazy surprise on him. I honestly thought that she was going to commit suicide when they went to the river. I hated not knowing more about her. And I wish I could have seen Izumi's face after that man said kids were scared of her. Of course, after reading Hajime's description of it when he finally saw her I could understand what that man meant. As for his family and the easy manner in which he was willing to give them up - well, my heart broke for them. Hajime had to learn that the past is the past for a reason and that sometimes it is better off left forgotten. Typical Murakami through and through. I loved it! And now, I'm off to read watch an episode of The West Wing. I usually watch the series in the Fall every year, but for some reason I'm craving me some Sam Seaborn, Josh Lyman, and C.J. Cregg. I'm not sure what book I'll read this weekend, but I'm leaning toward J.K. Rowling's The Casual Vacancy or Jane Green's Summer Secrets. What do you think? Any recommendations on what to read next? Ta for now. Happy reading!!

Friday, February 20, 2015
Bookish and Non-Bookish Thoughts...
I can't believe its already February and I've only blogged a handful of times. Its crazy to me how lax I've been about posting, but I must admit that I love it. I don't feel stressed or bogged down about blogging and as a result I'm actually enjoying reading other blogs again and leaving comments. As for what else I've been up to (aside from reading up a storm):
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I love these posts and getting to catch up with you. :) Nadia, I'm so sorry about your health issues and that you haven't been feeling well. I pray you won't need the surgery and that you'll start to feel better. More tests doesn't sound like fun - hang in there! It's great you're going to the gym. I can't wait until our gym opens at work this summer. Until then, I've been working out a little at home and it's been enough for now. At least it's something - that's what I keep telling myself. Lol.
Wow, good for you for giving up FB & Twitter! I couldn't do it. But it sounds like a great thing, just to unplug from it all. It's something I should do!
I love decluttering. It's one of my favorite things to do and it's kinda therapeutic for me! I try to do it twice a year at least. It feels great to get rid of stuff!
I'm glad you're enjoying your reading these days! Hope you continue to read great books, and please keep us posted on how you're doing!
So sorry to hear about the health issues. They serve as little reminders that we have to take care of ourselves.
No Facebook or Twitter. If I see something good I will save it for you ;)
Oh, Nadia, I was getting ready to say that your tiredness just be due to Winter and then you say your gallbladder's in danger. I'm sorry to hear that, yet I know many people without them who do very well. Still, I'll pray that yours is safe.
I didn't like The Strange Library very much, but I am meaning to read South of The Border. I'm sure I'll like it better, and then we can have a proper chat about it. Also, I'm glad you're liking Hausfrau!
And, giving up Twitter and Facebookmsounds like a perfectly sensible thing to do. ;)
Brandie, thanks so much :) I really appreciate the prayers. My fingers are crossed I don't kneed surgery - I'll keep you posted. I think its awesome you work out at home - that's hard to do and you are doing it. Going to the gym is not easy at first, but I'm hoping it becomes a habit ASAP. Yeah, I need a break from those sites - they are time wasters. Me, too! Decluttering is the best therapy!
Ti, they certainly do. Pesky health issues - drat! And thanks for keeping me in the loop :)
Meredith, I wish it were the Winter weather and atmosphere dragging me down, but unfortunately its not. Ugh! Thanks so much for your prayers - I really do appreciate it :) The Strange Library was definitely an acquired taste - it was unexpected in so many ways. Yes, read it and then we can have a proper natter about it :) Hausfrau = great book! I think it is a sensible thing to do - spend way too much time on those sites and get caught up in it and I'm not even sure why. :)
I don't know if I've ever posted a comment before, or even how I came to have your blog on my blog list, but it was great to read your updates. You make me want to start reading again and the titles you share sound awesome.
I hope your health gets better and your gym routine becomes a beautiful habit.
I also gave up Facebook earlier in the year. I felt much lighter somehow :)
Stay blessed!
Nadia, hope your health issues improve.
Like you, I only manage a monthly post now, but I never get tired of writing about books, catching up with what others are reading and posting comments. It's nice to hang out with bookish people!
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