

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

The Hitchcock Hotel: A Novel by Stephanie Wrobel

(Thank you to the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book!)

When I think of Hitchcock, I think of The Birds and Norman Bates.  Am I right? So, when I was asked if I wanted a copy of Stephanie Wrobel's latest story, The Hitchcock Hotel, I couldn't resist. I immediately said, "Yes!" Plus, the book's cover hooked me right in - how could I not pick up a book with that cover? Oh, and the story itself sounded like fun - a hotel inspired by Hitchcock hosting a group of old friends keeping a secret from long ago - you just know that is a recipe for trouble! I mean, c'mon! Right?! Especially when the friend hosting the reunion is out for revenge - Yikes! Talk about old grudges.

The Hitchcock Hotel is a mystery-thriller horror story that is entertaining and fun. The characters are horrible - so unlikable that you really don't care what happens to any of them. And yet, you can't help but keep reading because you find yourself wanting to know what will happen next - I know I enjoyed getting caught up in the twists and turns. Plus, all the Hitchcockian references were such a treat! And, that is all I will share about this terrific read. Definitely check it out!

Thank you to the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book!

1 comment:

Lark@LarkWrites said...

It's that Hitchcock element that makes me want to read this book. I do love his movies. :D